Wednesday, December 1, 2010

And the Walls Come Tumbling Down... and Back Up

It has been a while since I have updated, and we have made a lot of progress on the basement renovation.

We pretty much gutted everything and hauled away a 1100 lb load to the dump.

Installed lights:

Added a layer of foam insulation and put up new stud walls:

Then came the drywall! We rented a drywall lift for just $30 for one day and boy and I glad we did. Drywall is heavy, especially the 5/8" thickness used on ceilings.

Here's me using a roto cutter to cut out a hole for a light fixture.

As you can see, it got really dusty.

Now all the drywall is up and you can really start to see how the rooms will look when they are done!
Family Room
Other view of family room
Because of the thickness of the foundation blocks, we had to frame in the windows with drywall. I think it will actually look pretty nice when it is all finished and painted up (and will serve as a built in shelf).

And that brings us up to date on the basement progress. We've got the taping to do next, followed by painting. We're thinking of a goldish-beige color for the walls in the family room with an accent color on the fireplace wall (maybe a green or a red?). The bedroom will be coordinating but not the same color as the family room. After that we'll add the finish details like installing doors and trim and finally carpet!


  1. Looks great! I love seeing in progress basement pictures since we'll hopefully be finishing our basement in the next year or so. I think a blue would look great with that brick, something like Newburyport Blue or Hale Navy from Benjamin Moore.

  2. Thanks Jessica! Oh yeah, I think a blue would look pretty. We actually had a blue wall when we lived in Chicago for 2 years and I loved it. But this time my hubby was set on the red :) He doesn't make a lot of demands in terms of decorating, so I try to let him have his way when he has a strong opinion (that way I can be the boss most of the time)!!

    Good luck with your basement project. It is a lot of work, but so rewarding!!
